
The Best Business Academic of the Year Award (BBAY).

The award comprises of the following:

...Gold Medal

Best Business Academic of the Year Award Certificate of Honour and Gold Medal for the best paper contributed to the All India Commerce Annual Conference.

...Silver Medal

"Best Business Academic of the Year Award" Comprises of Certificate of Honour and a Silver Medal for the best paper contributed in every technical session and Seminar of All India Commerce Conference(Except the session which bagged Gold Medal).Institution of the AwardThe BBAY Award shall be instituted under the auspices of the Indian Commerce Association in Collaboration with an Industrial House which creates anendowment fund of atleast Rs. 51,000/- with ICA for the purpose so as to cover the annual cost of Medals out of its interest income.

...The BBAY Award Jury

A. Chairman nominated by ICA President every year.

B. One Member to be nominated by the concerned Industrial House every year. In case the Industrial House fails to nominate a member on the Jury, the same shall be nominated by the EC of the ICA.

C. Two Members nominated by the Executive Committee ICA every year.

D. Managing Editor, Member Secretary IJC.

...Criteria for the Selection of the Awardees

1. The persons who want to be considered for the Award shall have to submit paper on the theme of any of the Technical Sessions or Seminar decided for the forthcoming All India Commerce Conference. The papers must reach the Chairperson of the concerned Technical Session/ Seminar before the last date for the submission of the papers. Papers received after this date shall not be eligible for the Award. The last date for the submission of the papers shall be atleast two months before the proposed date for All India Commerce Conference for the relevant year.

2. The Chairperson of the concerned Technical / Seminar Session shall evaluate all the papers eligible for the Award on the basis of well defined parameters and identify two best papers and submit the same to the Managing Editor, IJC ( Member Secretary BBAY Award Jury ) within a period of one month of the last date of submission of papers.

3. Immediately after the receipt of two best papers from each Chairperson of Technical / Seminar Session, the Member Secretary BBAY Award Jury shall inform the authors of these papers to be physically present at the time of the Conference for making presentation.

4. Ten papers selected through the above mentioned process shall be presented before the BBAY Award Jury in a special session to be arranged at the time of the Annual Conference of the ICA.

5. Each author shall be given eight to ten minutes time for making presentation. The presentation may preferably be made through Power Point.

6. The BBAY Award Jury shall select one best paper from each Session on the basis of the pre determined and well defined parameters.

7. Out of the five such papers selected the BBAY Award Jury shall further select one best paper which shall be awarded BBAY – Gold Medal and the remaining four papers shall be awarded BBAY – Silver Medal.

8. The decision of the BBAY Award Jury shall be final and cannot be challenged.

9. The Member Secretary BBAY Award Jury shall coordinate all the activities related to the Award Event.

Functions of the Chairpersons of Technical Sessions and Seminar. The Chairpersons of the four technical sessions and the seminar shall perform the following activities from time to time.

1. After receiving the letter of nomination as the Chairperson, he/she shall prepare a brief note elaborating the main theme and sub-themes of the concerned topic and send the same to the Secretary of the ICA and the Managing Editor, IJC for publication in the Indian Journal of Commerce. This note is essential to guide the prospective authors in the preparation of papers for the Conference.

2. As and when the papers are submitted to the Chairperson of the Technical Session / Seminar by the authors he/she shall send the acceptance letters to the authors on priority, so that the participants are able to apply for travel grant from their respective institution. If necessary, authors may be asked to revise the papers to improve the quality so as to ensure that the same is on the lines of the IJC style.

3. Evaluate all the papers submitted for the concerned technical session/seminar, identify two best papers and submit the same to the Convener of the BBAY Award Jury for the adjudgement of the award.

4. He/she should help the Editor in Chief, IJC in the publication of the Conference Issue of IJC by preparing the following :
* Preparation of the Rapporteurs Report for the concerned technical session highlighting the issues and suggestions.
* Compilations of the abstracts of all the papers submitted for the concerned technical session and edit them as per the requirements of IJC.
* Identification for six best papers out of all the papers submitted for that technical session. Suggest the authors to revise them, if necessary, and edit them as per the requirements of the Journal. The above material should be handed over to the Managing Editor/Editor in Chief, IJC at the venue of the Conference.

5. Any other activity specifically assigned by the Executive Committee of the ICA.

The Best Business Academic of the Year Award (BBAY) Award is being instituted under the auspices of the Indian Commerce Association with effect from the year 2005.


Considered the item of proposing to the General B6ody of ICA the names of the Sectional Chairpersons and Co-Chairpersons for the Seminar and Four Technical Sessions. It was felt by the EC that there is considerable scope for qualitatively strengthening the academic and professional inputs of the Technical and Seminar sessions. It was further felt that this can be possible only when persons of outstanding academic merit with adequate specialization in the area of technical subjects meant for Seminar/Technical sessions are requested to Chair such sessions. To ensure a proper direction and guidelines to the contributors, it was further recommended by the EC that the Chairmen for Technical/Seminar sessions should prepare a Status paper on the Subject of theme of Technical/Seminar Sessions highlighting the basic fundamental dimensions, ramifications, issues, problems and the areas which need to be covered by the contributors of the paper. Such a Status Paper should be sent latest by 15th Feb. of each Year to the office of the Managing Editor who will ensure that all such Status Papers are published in the Jan-March issue of the Indian Journal of Commerce for the benefit of the contributors who intend to submit their papers for the Annual Conference. The last date for the submission of papers for the Annual Conference shall be two months before the proposed dates of the Annual Conference. It was further recommended that the papers received for the Conference shall be categorised by the respective Chairperson into three categories :

(A) Top ten papers in view of academic and professional contents. These papers are to be presented in detail in the Sessions. Out of these papers five to seven papers shall be published in the Journal.

(B) Papers whose abstract shall be permitted to be presented in the Technical/Seminar Session.

(C) Papers which shall be deemed to have been read. The responsibility of ensuring that above mentioned parameters are observed by the Chairpersons/Co-chairpersons of the Sessions lies with the Managing Editor of the Indian Journal of Commerce.