Prof. Manubhai M Shah Memorial Research Award(MMSMRA) Indian Commerce Association (ICA)


Prof. Manubhai M. Shah

M. Com. (Bombay) M. Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Admn.) (L.S.E., London) Diploma of Distinction (Cambridge) (Feb. 28, 1926 – Dec. 14, 2003)

About the Award

Manubhai M Shah Memorial Research Award is being instituted under the auspices of the Indian Commerce Association with effect from the year 2010.

Two Certificate of Honours and Gold Medals for the best paper contributed to the technical session meant for this Award in the All India Commerce Annual Conference.

Prof. Manubhai M. Shah was born in Kundhela (near Vadodara), Gujarat and resided in Vallabh Vidyanagar with his family for the most of his life. He was married to Kantaben Shah and father to 3 children – Atul, Anil & Preeti.

Prof. Shah worked as a life-long University Educator. His contributions have played a vital role in the growth of Vallabh Vidyanagar and Sardar Patel University. He began his career as a young college lecturer and moved on to becoming College Principal; Dean, Faculty of Commerce; Head, Post Graduate Department of Commerce; Founder & Honorary Director of Post Graduate Business Management Institute and also served as the Vice Chancellor.

In 1965, Prof. Shah had successfully organized All Indian Commerce Conference at Vallabh Vidyanagar. He had also served as the President of the Inter-University Council for Commerce and Management Education & Research. He was appointed as the National Lecturer by UGC. He was ahead of his time in his teachings. He believed the education should meet the needs of all types and sizes of businesses. For this reason, he had started the Charotar Management Association (CMA) with other business leaders and solicited their input to make Commerce and Business education relevant. He was the Founder Secretary and President of CMA. In addition, he had served as the Honorary Executive &/or Officer of over 100 policy making bodies at regional and national level. Many individuals, institutions, businesses and political leaders valued his counsel, worldwide. He was recognized by several international “Who’s Who”, Biographies and Directories.

Prof. Shah had published over 25 research reports and books, and over 300 Research and Literary Articles. He was the Guide to over 15 Ph. D. and External Referee to numerous Ph. D. and D.Lit. Scholars throughout India. He believed strongly in the value of education and gave over 300 speeches on complex Commerce, Business and Trade subjects. He also authored a text book on Economics in the Gujarati language. Throughout his career, he had organized over 100 seminars and educational classes/workshops at national and international level.

Although Prof. Shah was known to most as an Intellectual, Educator, Lecturer, Researcher and Author; he was known to his family and co-workers as a hard working, honest man with deep rooted values and morals. His strong work ethic combined with his commitment to the community led him to participate in India’s Independence Movement and other Gandhian constructive activities, including fighting for eliminating ‘untouchability’ and dowry and allowing widow marriages. He did not accept the Freedom Fighter’s Award, pension and other perks on the grounds of principle. His belief system was forward in its nature, but he maintained a strong Indian identity. He sacrificed the opportunity to be a professor at the London School of Economics to continue serving the cause of commerce education in India. Upon his death his body was donated, per his wishes, to the University Hospital for Research and Education purpose.

In keeping with Prof. Shah’s dedication to learning and research, we hope this Award will inspire you, and many others to follow his legacy.

Institution of the Award

Manubhai M Shah Memorial Research Award shall be instituted under the auspices of the Indian Commerce Association out of the amount contributed by Mr. Anil Shah S/o late Prof Manubhai Shah towards the endowment fund of Rs. 2,00,000/- with ICA for the purpose so as to cover the annual cost of Medals out of its interest income.

The Award Jury :

The Award Jury shall comprise of the following five persons:

1. Technical Session Chairman nominated by the EC of the ICA every year. He will be member secretary.

2. Technical Session Co-Chairman nominated by the EC of the ICA every year.

3. Two Members nominated by the Executive Committee ICA every year.

4. One Member to be nominated by Sponsor of the medal every year. In case the Sponsor fails to nominate a member on the Jury, the same shall be nominated by the EC of the ICA.

While nominating the Jury members, due care should be given to the concerned specialization announced for the award.

Criteria for the Selection of the Papers for the session

The persons who want to be considered for the Award shall have to submit paper before the last date for the submission of the papers for the forthcoming All India Commerce Conference. The Papers received after this date shall not be eligible for the Award. The last date for the submission of the papers shall be at least one month before the proposed date for All India Commerce Conference for the relevant year.

The paper submitted in this technical session should be

. Unpublished

. Empirical in Nature

. Methodologically Strong

. Contemporary Relevant

. Adequately Conceptuaised

. Empirically Supported

. Standardised Bibliographic Style

Criteria for the Selection of the Awardees

1. The persons who want to be considered for the Award shall have to submit paper on the theme selected for the award for the forthcoming All India Commerce Conference. The papers must reach the Chairperson of the concerned Session before the last date for the submission of the papers. Papers received after this date shall not be eligible for the Award. The last date for the submission of the papers shall be at least one month before the proposed date for All India Commerce Conference for the relevant year.

2.The Chairperson of the Session shall evaluate all the papers eligible for the Award on the basis of well defined parameters and identify ten best papers and submit the same to the Secretary, ICA for being put on the website of the ICA within a period of one month of the last date of submission of papers.

3. The Chairperson of Session shall inform the authors of these papers to be physically present at the time of the Conference for making presentation.

4. Ten papers selected through the above mentioned process shall be presented before the MMSM Award Jury in a special session to be arranged at the time of the Annual Conference of the ICA.

5. Each author shall be given 15-20 minutes time for making presentation. The presentation may preferably be made through Power Point.

6. The MMSM Award Jury shall select two best papers from the papers being presented on the basis of the pre determined and well defined parameters.

7. These two papers selected by MMSM Award Jury shall be awarded BBAY – Gold Medal and Certificate along with Citation about Late (Prof.) Manubhai M Shah.

8. The decision of the MMSM Award Jury shall be final and cannot be challenged.

9. The Member Secretary MMSM Award Jury shall coordinate all the activities related to the Award Event.

Grant of Award

14. For the grant of Award in the shape of cash prize, the ICA shall be guided by therecommendations of the Advisory/Jury Committees constituted underclause 16 & 17

Manubhai M Shah Memorial Research Award is being instituted under the auspices of the Indian Commerce Association with effect from the year 2010.

Two Certificate of Honours and Gold Medals for the best paper contributed to the technical session meant for this Award in the All India Commerce Annual Conference.