

“The objective of SMICARSA Session is to encourage and motivate the budding researchers, who have been into research, pursuing their Ph.d, or those who have just submitted their Ph.d. ICA feels that there is a strong need to allot exclusive space to research scholars from commerce, economics and management fields to give them an exclusive opportunity to make presentations.”

SMICARSA session will run concurrently along with the other sessions. In all, a maximum of 30 research papers will be allowed for presentations. The presentation will be as follows

Presentation Methodology

Category- I, Top 10 Research Papers will be given 10 minutes, 8 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for question answers or clarifications.

Category-II, the next 10 Research Papers will be given 8 minutes 6 for presentation and 2 minutes for clarifications

Category-III, will be 10 Research Papers to present in 6 minutes, 4 for presentation 2 minutes for clarification


There will be 5 prizes:

I-Best Research Scholar Award Rs 5,000

II- Best Research Scholar Award Rs 4,000

III- Best Research Scholar Award Rs 3,000

IV- Best Research Scholar Award Rs 2,000

V- Best Research Scholar Award Rs 1,000

The winners will also be given certificates.


Those Research Scholars registered for Ph.D in a University or submitted the Ph.d awaiting the award are eligible to take part in the session. The research scholar shall attach the proof of the above along with the Research Paper. The research scholar should be the Life Member of ICA at the time of submission of Research Paper.

Area of Research: There shall be no specific area as such. The scholar should develop a paper from his/her own Ph.D topic. There will be no coauthor of the paper. This is intended to concretize and reinforce the same field of research without wasting the time of research scholar.

The Chairman and Co-chairman:

-receive the papers

-select the 30 research papers

-categorise them into 3 categories

-evaluate the presentations along with other Jury Members to be appointed by ICA

-submit the list of the prize winners to the Secretary, soon after completing the presentations.

Submission of Research Paper:

The last date shall be the same as for other sessions. Research papers received after the last date shall not be entertained. The research papers should be sent directly to the Chairman of the SMICARSA session through website.

The information can be published on website, in the journal and be widely sent to the University Deans to circulate among research scholars, a small note may be circulated in all the Departments of Universities.

It is felt that it is the need of the hour to infuse young research scholars into ICA and provide a national platform for them to understand strengths and weaknesses.